What is different about HR Support from Strategic HR Support?
Strategic HR Support Ltd believes in building a direct relationship between the adviser and the client which builds the essential trust and empathy necessary for the support of your business
How much?
We have very competitive rates, please enquire. We encourage fullest use of your “retained hours” investment by conversion of any unused time into training/ development/ project work or some rollover into next year’s contract. Ad-hoc work usually provides the client with benefits far in excess of investment.
How does the link with the Law Firm work?
The HR adviser can answer most employment law issues but for complex and specialist areas and Employment Tribunal advocacy including compromise agreement settlements then the issue is referred to the Lawyer.
Why don’t clients just use employment solicitors for all HR queries?
Because lawyers do not always have practical “hands-on” experience for the “how to” questions and they are more expensive.
Compare retained hours advice versus ad-hoc or interim?
Retained fees are lower and our response rates are guaranteed within specified extended business hours. Our ad-hoc, part-time or interim service is for special one-off issues, highly sensitive problems, introducing difficult management change programmes or where “independent” advice may be more acceptable to the Company and/or the workforce.