We believe that training programmes should be developed with the fullest involvement of your leadership team to ensure that the training investment fits the overall business objectives. Best results are obtained when your delegates know that their leaders are interested in the new skills and knowledge acquired and more importantly will be keenly watching their implementation.
From time to time all companies need to bring staff up to date with the latest legislation. There is also a necessity for businesses to be able to demonstrate that their staff comply with the law and that they know what action they must take in certain circumstances.
1.Legal updates (latest Equality Act, Bribery Act, Paternity Entitlement, and Default retirement age.)
2.Discipline and Grievance processes
3.Absence and attendance management
4.Negotiating skills and techniques
5.Works Council representative training
6.Redundancy process skills and legislation
7.Improving collective bargaining
8.Essential HR (for staff with new HR duties).
9.Bespoke programmes to fit your Company needs.
Please enquire if you would like us to call or visit to discuss a training or development need.
Please click here to send us an email regarding your training requirements.
Fitting the overall business plan
Update seminars
Training subjects we can offer